
For the safe and reliable transport of materials in air cargo terminals, Swisslog offers the UniCar track vehicle system. Small sized items can be efficiently transported across long distances, improving efficiency and cost savings among the terminal staff. This results in a strong increase of quality in materials handling processes in cargo terminals.
More Security in Freight Terminals with SecureMail
In buildings with high security requirements, a controlled dispatch of documents and electronic media is necessary. The SecureMail system manages dispatch and receipt authorizations of all admitted users. Each user can have an individual authorization. An electronic cover prohibits unauthorized access to the contents. The SecureMail system is used in banks, government departments and organizations with high security requirements.
Automatic Transport in Freight Terminals
- Secure transport of cargo between land and air terminals
- Real-time transport status
- Labor and cost savings within air cargo transport
- Increased quality standard for document transfer
Efficient and reliable transport of goods