24/7 Emergency Support
บริษัทฯ ให้การบริการลูกค้าตลอดทุกวันไม่เว้นวันหยุด เพื่อให้ความมั่นใจในระบบขนส่งของ Swisslog ทุกระบบที่ติดตั้งว่าจะสามารถรองรับการใช้งานได้เป็นอย่างดี โดยทีมช่างผู้ชำนาญด้านอุปกรณ์ระบบขนส่งมากว่า 20 ปี รวมถึงการจัดการบำรุงรักษาระบบตามข้อกำหนดผลิตภัณฑ์อย่างต่อเนื่อง การตรวจสอบและการจัดการด้านอะไหล่
You require smooth operations and suitable, professional response times when there is a breakdown on your installation. With Swisslog’s proactive support services and reactive emergency concepts, the necessary precautions for technical problems are taken to reduce the danger of system breakdown.
We Take Your Logistic Personal
Our customers require smooth operations and suitable, professional response times when there is a breakdown on the installation. With our proactive support services and reactive emergency concepts, we take the necessary precautions for technical problems and thus reduce the danger of system breakdowns.
System and Software Support
- Swisslog Service Desk: receiving breakdown reports around the clock
- Remote support: localizing and remedying breakdowns in the area of warehouse management and material flow control
- Stand-by support: providing specialists familiar with the installation or system
- Back-up support: escalation to sub-suppliers
- On-site work: remedying breakdowns on site within the response time agreed with the customer
- Reporting: keeping error statistics and making suggestions for continual improvement
Emergency Concepts
- Working out and introducing a clearly defined procedure for breakdowns
- Definition of breakdown classifications (severity) with escalation levels based on these
- Application of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) for risk assessment
- Introduction of emergency concepts and training
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Possible errors, which could possibly hinder the operation of the installation, are identified with FMEA. They are evaluated according to the probability of occurrence, effects on overall availability and error identification or remedying time.
A decisive factor for the classification of an error is the risk priority number. Being a relative quantifiable evaluation dimension, a ranking of potential errors is possible. On this basis, the effectiveness of improvement measures or emergency concepts can also be quantified.